Useful Badminton Links 
- BadmintonWorld.TV - is the official live channel , where they bring to you live and delayed streaming of major events such as the OSIM BWF World Superseries, and thire Magazine and Highlights Shows. Subscribe to the Channel now!
- Badminton World Federation - Charter, Events, Players, News, and more...
- Yonex.com - Badminton racquets, badminton bags, shoes, shuttlecocks, apparel and accessories.
- 羽毛球杂志微博 -《羽毛球》杂志在全国影响力巨大,创刊于2006年,公开发行的月刊杂志主要栏目有:封面、热点、聚焦、技术赏析、装备专题、装备品牌故事、装备等。
- All England Open Badminton | All England Badminton - offers information about the game, coaching courses, runs tournaments, sells books & videos, & promotes the sport at every level. - United Kingdom
- 陈雨菲的微博 - 陈雨菲微博 - 微博主页、个人资料、相册...等。
- 石宇奇 SHI Yuqi的微博 - 石宇奇,中国国家羽毛球队队员。石宇奇_的微博主页、个人资料、相册,南京体育学院,南京体育学院。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿
- 黄雅琼的微博 - 中国羽毛球队队员黄雅琼。
- 郑思维的微博 - 郑思维,中国羽毛球队双打运动员郑思维。
戴資穎 Tai Tzu Ying - 戴資穎/Tai Tzu Ying (Facebook).
- 羽你同行 - 一个分享羽球资讯的天地 (Facebook).
- BadmintonCentral.com - Central Discussion Forums.
- Tournamentsoftware.com - Online Entry and tournament publication with the Tournament Planner of Visual Reality. For Tennis, Squash and Badminton Tournaments. [Visual Live Scores]
- BadmintonWarehouse.com - Badminton Racket Warehouse: badminton racquet, badminton shuttles, badminton bags, shoes and more. - USA
- BbeShop.com - BlueSky Badminton Equipment Online Store - China
- USA Badminton Sports - USA
- Badmintonx.org - Badminton Extreme on Studio 23 hosted by Kennevic and Kennie Asuncion. - Philippines
- WorldBadminton.com - Badminton Sport Vendors & Free Badminton videos & games downloads.
- BadmintonSource.com - Badminton Sets - features an online badminton set selection of quality badminton sets, equipment, and other outdoor games.
- BadmintonFan.com - online shopping, news, downloading and forum. - China
- 51badminton.com - photos, shopping, news, downloading and forum. - China
- Badmintonology - The study of Badminton. Tutorial, Injuries, Psychology, Rules and Videos.
- BJYQ.org - About badminton photos, news, badminton stars, tutorial, rules, videos, and more.
- www.hongwyyy.com - badminton racquets, shoes, online store and more... - China
- Bbesports.com - New bluesky shop: widest selection of badminton, tennis, and golf equipment. - China
- Badmintonsky.com - Forums & video downloads - China
- Badmintonline.com - badminton news, froums, photos, video, and more... - China
- Aiyuke.com - 羽毛球教学视频在线观看 羽毛球网 - China
- YuMaoClub.com - badminton shop, froums, badminton articals, player profiles and more... - China
- CoachingBadminton.com - presents Badminton Instruction videos prepared by former Korean Champion Lee Jae Bok. Coach Lee Jae Bok will teach you how to play Badminton. The training videos are for players and coaches of all levels on all playing aspects of Badminton."
- BeastBadminton.com - Badminton for high achievers. Covers topics like how to improve your game, the mindset in matches, and the fitness aspect of the sport.
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